Sunday, September 30, 2007


I thought I was back but I wasn't. Now--I swear--I am really back.

Lot's of work--lot's of knitting. Am taking a page from the Yarn Harlot and have planted a sock on my desk. Not much done yet but it is so nice to pick up and stroke when I have writer's block or I get a really annoying email. Started my favorite baby sweater for my cousin's delicious little son. I made him one when he was born and he and his mom love it. It's really a great pattern. A friend photo copied it for me from a magazine about 15 years ago and I have made a ton of them. It's a basic baby raglan cardigan that you can adjust by a few stitches to add cables, patterns, color--whatever you want. I'll post a photo when I have more than the ribbing done.

Spent the weekend at the local Country Fair (which may sound like an oxymoron in Yonkers but it's a lot of fun). I am one of the chairs of the Food Court which means that right now I smell like Sausage and Peppers with a side of fries. Very attractive. Luckily Boy is away right now so I can spend a leisurely hour taking a hot, hot, hot shower and then going to bed.

My girlfriends from high school and I are going to see Paolo Nutini next weekend. He is so hot and I love his album but I can't seem to stop referring to him as "that cute Scottish jailbait". It should be an interesting evening.

P.S. If you haven't heard his album yet--check it out. It's reall good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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